Cardboard Keep :: Clicktraption Inspired Nail Art

A friend of mine is part of a home-grown team of indie game developers called Cardboard Keep.
Cardboard Keep have recently released their game Clicktraption, where you take control of a maintenance worker (hereinafter referred to as “the Clicktraption guy” for want of a better name).  He’s cruising around inside a machine that has turned against him, and has to run through deactivating the exterior shield so he can escape before he’s crushed or exploded in a shower of pixel parts.  There’s lasers, rockets, falling spikey platforms, all sorts of things (I’ve only reached about level 5 I think, so who knows what’s after that!).  There’s also a 2-player option where the second player tries to prevent the first from beating the level.
To celebrate the game’s release on Kongregate (you can play it for free online here), I painted my nails with the Clicktraption guy, and made a little level for him to run through.  I used Orly Black Vinyl for the base, and acrylic paints for the nail art.


I’m a bit of a fan of indie games, so I’m definitely keeping an eye on what the guys at Cardboard Keep get up to.  You can follow their progress on their Website, Twitter and Facebook.
xxxo Relle
PS.  If you have an android phone, you might like to check out their Vein Gods app (not yet on iphone etc).

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